Career Services Use of Social Media Technologies, May 2013

The Career Advisory Board, established by DeVry University, published the research report, Career Services Use of Social Media Technologies, based on a survey conducted by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE). The survey asked college career services professionals about their sentiments toward and their use of social media technologies in college recruiting and as part of career center operations. The NACE/Career Advisory Board survey found that career services professionals at colleges and universities nationwide have embraced the use of social media to communicate with students and employers, yet privacy concerns and limited training impede full use of the platforms. As a result, an opportunity to increase social media engagement amongst career services, students and employers emerged from the survey.

 To view the press release, executive summary or full research report, please click on the links below.

Career Services Use of Social Media Technologies Press Release

Career Services Use of Social Media Technologies Executive Summary

Career Services Use of Social Media Technologies Report

Career Services Use of Social Media Technologies Graphics